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Genesis Pediatrics Blog

Well Child Checks for Incoming 6th, 7th & 12th Students

Students Entering 6th, 7th or 12th Grade in Fall 2020 It is now time to call the office to schedule a well child visit if you have a child entering 6th grade, 7th grade or 12th grade in the fall of 2020.   Essential Age Groups Requiring Vaccines  At this time, we will be targeting these

Well Child Checks with Mandatory Vaccines

Essential Age Groups Requiring Vaccines If you have a child entering 6th grade, 7th grade or 12th grade in the fall of 2020, he/she will require a well child check with state required vaccinations. If your child falls into one of these groups and their appointment had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, our

Virtual New Parent Support Group, Friday May 15th

New Parent Support Group… with Social Distancing The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped babies from being born, but it has certainly increased new parent anxiety!  It is more important than ever to give new parents the support they need during this unprecedented time.  Dr. Radi is going to try out a virtual New Parent Support

Monroe County Local Mask Distribution, May 9th & May 13th

Mask Recommendations: It is recommended that children ages 2 years and older wear a mask if they go out in public. While we continue to ask that all non-essential people stay at home, if an outing is absolutely necessary (ie. coming to our office for an appointment), all people should be wearing a mask.  Mask

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for Families

Resources for Families Golisano Children’s Hospital has put together a very thorough list of resources about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic for children, tweens/teens, and parents.   Check out this video created by URMC.   

New Parent Support Group, 4/17/2020 – Cancelled

New Parent Support Group Scheduled for Friday 4/17 Cancelled Due to ongoing restrictions in New York State, we will need to cancel the New Parent Support Group for tomorrow, Friday April 17th.  We realize that this is time of uncertainty for everyone, but can be especially scary for new parents in isolation with a newborn at

For Those Affected By Cancelled Well Child Checks During COVID-19

Was Your Child’s Well Visit Cancelled Due To COVID-19? If your child was affected by a cancelled well child visit over the past couple of weeks, our nursing staff will be reaching out to you to discuss any potential concerns you may have had for your visit. 

Fluoride Varnish For All Children 6 months & Older!

Does Your Baby Have Teeth? Once your child has a tooth, we recommend that your child receive fluoride varnish treatments in the office during well child visits to help prevent tooth decay. We recommend this treatment at well child visits for ages 6 months through age 6 years.  Excellent Oral Health Starts At A Young

A Couple of Important PSAs

Masking An Infant Is A No-No! It has come to our attention that social media “Mommy Groups” are recommending that a facial mask be attached to an infant’s pacifier and the elastic should go around their ears.  This is a HUGE RISK to that infant, as it increases the risk of suffocation.  This is NOT

Ranitidine/Zantac RECALL

As of April 1st, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced it is requesting manufacturers withdraw all prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) Ranitidine drugs from the market immediately.  If your child is taking this medication, please call the office or send a portal message to discuss alternative options. 

Genesis Pediatrics Has News!

Dr. Jennifer Radi will become the new Managing Partner and Owner of Genesis Pediatrics. Dr. Catherine Goodfellow will transition out of her leadership role but will continue to care for patients on a reduced schedule.