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Genesis Pediatrics Blog

child getting a shot

Should My Child Get A Flu Shot?

Maybe you have been thinking about skipping this year’s flu shot since there were so few cases last year. Think again! Now is not the time to skip a flu shot or even procrastinate. This is true for you and for your child. Should my child get a flu shot? The answer is a resounding

Monroe County COVID Vaccine Appointments for 5-11

The Monroe County Department of Health are now operating appointment-only vaccine clinics. The clinics will only be for people 5-11 years old. Appointments can be booked on the county’s website. All minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. KEEP CHECKING THE ABOVE LINK FOR UPDATES AS THIS INFORMATION WILL CHANGE DAY TO DAY! #thisistheirshot

COVID Vaccine Appointments

Stay tuned for information regarding the date/location of the next vaccine clinic where Genesis Pediatrics can schedule your child for an appointment. You are welcome to schedule your own appointment at the Monroe County website. #thisisourshot #COVID #COVIDvaccine #crushCOVID

COVID Vaccine Approved For Children 5-11

As of yesterday, 11/2/2021, the COVID-19 vaccine was recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for children ages 5-11. While our practice does NOT currently carry the COVID vaccine, Genesis Pediatrics is working diligently with Monroe County and other Primary Care practices in the area

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

We are receiving many phone calls and portal messages about Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease which seems to be “running rampant” in our community right now! has put out a very nice FAQ article which may answer your questions!

Flu Vaccine Clinics Now Available!

Flu vaccine clinics are now open for scheduling based upon availability! Please call 585-426-4100 to make appointments. NOTE: Clinic scheduling is for flu vaccine only. No issues, concerns or other immunizations will be addressed during this appointment

Speech Development Expectations: From Infancy to Preschool

Although every child learns to speak at his or her own pace, parents want to know if their child’s speech and language development is on the right track. There are general milestones which are helpful in understanding age-appropriate speech development expectations from infancy to preschool. These guidelines can help parents and other caregivers to know

COVID Test Results

COVID Test Results The most recent update is that COVID test results are taking 5 days to return due to the volume of tests coming in, the lack of staff, and the shortage of reagent. Please know that our office will call you with COVID results, whether they be positive or negative. We understand your

Flu Vaccine Information

Flu Vaccine Clinics We are awaiting our shipments of flu vaccine and we will be scheduling flu vaccine clinics upon its arrival. Please check back for the most up to date information!

RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus written in a notebook on white table

RSV Cases Surging: What Parents Should Know

The last 18 months have been both frightening and frustrating for parents. The pandemic and everything that occurred around it has upended families and especially children. The CDC has recently issued a health advisory for clinicians and caregivers about the increased interseasonal RSV activity in the southern United States. After thinking we were beginning to

Genesis Pediatrics Has News!

Dr. Jennifer Radi will become the new Managing Partner and Owner of Genesis Pediatrics. Dr. Catherine Goodfellow will transition out of her leadership role but will continue to care for patients on a reduced schedule.