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Genesis Pediatrics Blog

CPR Classes Cancelled

CPR Classes Cancelled Due to the ongoing pandemic, we have cancelled all CPR classes at Genesis Pediatrics until further notice. Please continue to check back for updates on our website and Facebook page. We certainly hope that we can restart these classes in the Fall of 2020. 

One Accompanying Adult per Patient Policy

Until further notice, we please ask that only one adult accompany a patient for a scheduled visit. We are attempting to minimize the traffic coming in and out of the office. We understand that this may not be possible in all circumstances, but we appreciate your cooperation and support of this policy. 

IMPORTANT: Well Child Checks for Children Age 3 Years & Older

COVID19 Restrictions for Non-Essential Medical Visits The Monroe County Medical Society recommends any non-essential patient visits that are currently scheduled for the next two weeks be cancelled. If you had a well child visit for a child 3 years or older scheduled between 3/17/2020 and 3/27/2020, you will be contacted by our office to be

Portal Responses for Questions

Nursing Responses via Portal Due to the high volume of calls we are receiving, if you have the Patient Portal, we will be responding to triage messages via Portal as much as possible. This will help us to answer your questions/concerns in a more efficient way. We thank you for your understanding during this very

What Does Respiratory Distress Really Mean?

When you hear “Watch for respiratory distress or shortness of breath” what does that really mean? Providers at Genesis Pediatrics often tell caregivers to monitor for shortness or breath or respiratory distress during viral illness.  This is an important criteria for when to bring your child in to be evaluated.   Below are a couple of

IMPORTANT Regarding Walk Ins Beginning March 16th.

Suspension of Walk Ins for Respiratory Symptoms As of Monday, March 16th, Genesis Pediatrics is suspending all walk-in appointments for respiratory symptoms.  We are making every effort to keep our patients and our community safe by encouraging you to stay home if possible! If you or your child has ANY of the following criteria, PLEASE

Remember to use the Genesis Advise Packet (GAP)

Genesis Advice Packet (GAP) In an effort to keep patients and family members at home during this time of “social distancing”, we would like to remind you of our Genesis Advice Packet and its benefits for suggested treatments at home.  Genesis Pediatrics is making every effort to curb the potential spread of infection and keep

How To Activate Your Patient Portal

How-To Videos Are Now Available! Videos are now available in our Video Library to show you how to activate your Patient Portal! Did you know…?  Genesis Pediatrics has a Patient Portal available to all of our patient families.  It is a way for caregivers to communicate with our staff and obtain patient information, whether it

Office Update

Keeping Our Patients Safe Genesis Pediatrics is making every effort to curb the potential spread of infection and keep our patients and the community safe.  All toys, books and magazines have been removed from the waiting room and from the exam rooms. If needed, we ask that you bring your own book or toy to

COVID-19 Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update In the event that you or your child has been exposed to COVID-19, either by travel out of the country or travel to a high-risk area in the U.S., please do not come into the office, but rather call our Triage Nurse line. We need to protect our patient population as much as

Genesis Pediatrics Has News!

Dr. Jennifer Radi will become the new Managing Partner and Owner of Genesis Pediatrics. Dr. Catherine Goodfellow will transition out of her leadership role but will continue to care for patients on a reduced schedule.