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Genesis Pediatrics Blog

How CPR and AED Techniques Can Save Your Child’s Life

You never know when an emergency might happen. If you have children, that thought can keep you up at night. Will you know what to do? Will you be able to remain calm and help your child? No one knows of course how they will act in a life-threatening situation, but there are tools available

Transitioning Your Child Back to Their School Sleep Schedule

Transitioning your child back to their school sleep schedule is really not that difficult as long as you focus on the key word: transitioning. That doesn’t mean the day before school starts or even the weekend before. Transition means taking slow and steady steps. We will explain.

Your Guide To Raising Healthy Active Kids

Have kids? If so, you know how our culture and the internet can interfere with parental guidance. They would much rather pay attention to “so-called” experts on Tiktok than listen to their parents. The good news is that you can counter almost everything the world puts in front of your kids. It takes patience and

Spring Health & Safety Guide for Parents

Spring is here! The time of year when kids are chomping at the bit to get outside. After being cloistered in the house for months and only allowed outside for brief periods, now they are looking forward to spending hours outside in the Spring weather. With all that future fun on the horizon, it might

Screen Time: How Much Time Is Too Much For Kids?

Televisions, smartphones, computers, and tablets are all devices both adults and children use for information, entertainment, and social interaction. As with most modern conveniences, it is best to use them in moderation. Unfortunately, many kids (and adults) spend too much time looking at screens. How much screen time is too much for kids?



Ticks – It’s That Time of Year Again! Ticks are most active during the warmer months, April to September, therefore it is important to be extra vigilant in taking preventative measures.  PREVENTATIVE MEASURES REPELLENT:– For Skin: Use 30% DEET for children (6 months and older) and adolescents. – For Clothing: Permethrin-containing products can be applied to

children playing on a tablet

Raising Children In The Digital Age

Each generation seems to have its own set of challenges for parents. It was the dawn of rock and roll during the fifties and sixties and the sexual revolution in the next decade. Today’s generation of parents must cope with raising children in the digital age, and that is no easy task.

Does My Child Have ADHD?

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has many symptoms and not all are that easy to spot at first. It is a complex disorder that is usually diagnosed before teen years and on average by age 7. When a parent asks the question, does my child have ADHD, it’s time to find out.

Mother changing her baby's diaper on bed

Your Guide To Prevent And Treat Diaper Rash

With all the precautions new parents take to keep their newborn healthy and happy, diaper rash can sometimes be forgotten. The last thing a new parent wants is to cause their little one any pain. Yes, diaper rash hurts, so take advantage of your guide to prevent and treat diaper rash.

child getting a shot

Should My Child Get A Flu Shot?

Maybe you have been thinking about skipping this year’s flu shot since there were so few cases last year. Think again! Now is not the time to skip a flu shot or even procrastinate. This is true for you and for your child. Should my child get a flu shot? The answer is a resounding