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Caring For Your Child’s Sensitive Skin

Your little ones have extra sensitive skin because it’s thinner than yours. Their immune system has not developed yet, so they are more susceptible to irritants of all kinds. It’s important for parents to stay ahead of the curve and remove common irritants inside your home while enjoying the outside. Caring for your child’s sensitive skin is an ongoing parental challenge.

Things You Least Expect

Most of us are shocked to find out that the products we use to keep our homes clean can be harmful to our children. Don’t feel guilty, just make some changes. Some of the worst culprits are things like air fresheners, detergents, soaps, deodorants, bubble baths, and carpet deodorizers.

Fabric softeners are a common irritant causing some children to develop eczema with dry and itchy skin. Look for products that are fragrance-free or hypoallergenic.

  • Aerosols can be another irritant for young children.
  • Avoid anti-static fabric softeners.
  • Use liquid detergent rather than powder as they rinse out easier, or use only detergents made for babies and young children.
  • Always wash new clothing before letting your child wear it.
  • Choose products that are free of color additives and fragrances.

Man’s Best Friend

Turns out many children can be allergic to dog hair and pet dander. This is a tough one if you already have a beloved pet. Brush their hair frequently, bathe them more often, and don’t let them in the bedrooms, and you may have to keep them outside more if your child is bothered.

What Touches Their Skin

Sometimes something as innocuous as a garment tag can be an irritant for your little one, so remove those before they become a problem.

Avoid hot water when bathing your child and opt for warm water instead. Use gentle soaps and shampoos free of chemicals and fragrances.

Dress your child in clothing made mostly of cotton.

Summer Sun Safety

Keep your young children completely out of the sun’s rays especially if they are less than 6 months old. Keep them wrapped so their skin is not exposed in the shade or under an umbrella if they must be outside.

Always apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to those older youngsters. Avoid exposure between 10 AM and 2 PM, and reapply every 2 hours.

Avoid spray sunscreens or those containing PABA which is an irritant.

The best protection for children is a hat with a brim at least 3 inches wide, sunglasses, and light cotton clothing.

Keep your children hydrated.

If children end up with a rash or dry itchy skin, try a moisturizing cream.

Contact Genesis Pediatrics at (585) 426-4100 if your child has frequent rashes or itchy dry skin which is not relieved by over-the-counter methods.

Genesis Pediatrics Has News!

Dr. Jennifer Radi will become the new Managing Partner and Owner of Genesis Pediatrics. Dr. Catherine Goodfellow will transition out of her leadership role but will continue to care for patients on a reduced schedule.