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Anticipating Return to School…

Return to School During COVID-19

What Is Our Opinion?

A big question parents have right now is how students can go back to school safely during COVID-19. You may be seeking an opinion from your provider here at Genesis Pediatrics regarding whether or not you should send your child(ren) back to in classroom learning. The advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that children learn best when they are in school, however returning to in-classroom learning will require careful steps to keep students and faculty safe.

Based on current recommendations from the CDC and NYS Health Department, Genesis Pediatrics is comfortable with children returning to school at this time if parents choose. This decision takes into account the close monitoring of the current spread of COVID-19 in our community. 

If your child has a high risk medical condition which prompts further discussion about this decision, please sign up for the Patient Portal so you can send us a message. Due to the volume of questions we have been receiving about this topic, we ask for your patience with response time.

Why Students Should Go Back to School–Safely

Schools provide more than just academics.  Classroom learning provides not only reading, writing and math, but children also learn social and emotional skills that cannot be provided with virtual learning. For many families, school is where kids get healthy meals, access to the internet, and other important school-based services such as occupational, physical and speech-language therapy and mental health support counseling.

The AAP guidance is based on the evidence that so far suggests that children and adolescents are less likely to have symptoms or severe illness from COVID infection.

Mask Questions 

Many parents are also calling and requesting exemptions for children wearing a mask for in-school learning. These exemptions are going to be determined by the NYS Department of Health, and our office will be abiding by their parameters.  This information is still not readily available to us, so please continue to check the website for the most up to date information.


Genesis Pediatrics Has News!

Dr. Jennifer Radi will become the new Managing Partner and Owner of Genesis Pediatrics. Dr. Catherine Goodfellow will transition out of her leadership role but will continue to care for patients on a reduced schedule.